How to Prep Your Boat for Spring

Nov. 11 2019 News By Hanckel Marine

It’s the most exciting time of the year! The sun is starting to come out, glistening on the water, tempting boaters to get back outdoors after a cold winter. To make sure you’re ready to get out on the water this spring, we’ve put together a few recommendations to properly prepare your boat to get back out on the water this year:

-Start with your owner’s manual. It seems obvious, but many boaters forget that there’s a ton of useful information in the owner’s manual. It will most likely outline the starting procedure and all of the things that you need to check before boating for the season.

-Make sure your boat was winterized correctly. If you didn’t change your oil and filter or service and clean your battery, you may have problems to fix before you begin spring boat prep.

-Do a pulse check on all existing systems. Now that you’ve fixed any issues that might have come out of not winterizing the right way, it’s time to check that everything is up to speed on board. First, make sure that all your batteries are charged and that all your electrical items are working. Test all your switches and then move on to water systems.

-Start your engines. Before starting your engine, make sure there is good water supply to the motor.  Once running, make sure water is coming out of the tale-tale. For those who have winterized their motor, Smoke will likely clear from the exhaust after the initial startup. Inspect the steering system for the right amount of tightness, and look for any visible leaks. Make sure the propeller is clear and check that forward, neutral and reverse are all in working order. Listen closely for any unusual sounds. After a wash and a wax, you’re all set to make the most of the spring boating season!

If you run into any trouble while prepping your boat for warmer weather or if you’d like the experts to prep for you, bring your boat over to Hanckel Marine. You’re always in good hands with our award-winning service team!
